Behind the Name
Finally! I have my first own website. I must say, it feels pretty good to publish something with a domain name. I thought of doing this for a quite a while, ever since I developed a series as a kid called "Aliens vs. Bush" (I'll explain later).
First off, when I started off thinking of names for the website I was in the Oasis Desert of Santa Teresa, New Mexico, which is about 10 minutes away from my house. I sat on top of my dad's car writing ideas for new stories on a notepad. I already knew for a fact I wanted to think of a name after the place.
Oasis Desert? Nah. Desert Sky? Nah. Desert Sunset? Nah. All those names were already taken in some form or another that meant the same thing. I had to come up with something unique and catchy.
Then I remembered, I'd often see a blue bird called a Scrub Jay in the area. Every time I saw one whether it was at the Oasis Desert or outside of my house in El Paso, my day after seeing the little bird would make it a whole lot better for some strange reason, yet, I embraced it. Then I came up with the name Scrubjay Pictures.
Unfortunately, when I first started the Facebook page within the second week of having the page up I was confronted by a humble individual who had his the name already established on his site. Therefore, I quickly came up with another name at it became Desertski.
It was always another name I had in mind when I came up with Scrubjay however it was only a made up thing I created. But made up created things can always be a good thing, right?
Thus Desertski Films was born.
On my next blog post I'll talk about films I did in the past up to now.
-Arturo Vargas